The Beautiful Design Project:

My partnership with Alan Moore (author of Do Design & Do Build) to “design the designers” of a more beautiful and regenerative future through the practice of business.

Are you leading an organization that’s truly adding good to the world?

Are you waking up with a sense of purpose in your work?

Do you feel there is a mismatch between the work you do, who you work for, who you are, and the values you hold?

Do you desire to unlock your full creative potential, to discover and define your purpose, both liberating and inspiring you into a better future?

Would you feel motivated by restoring the equilibrium between our ecology, economies and the societies you serve?

Would you feel proud to be part of a growing community of people dedicated to transforming our world for the better?

Welcome to The Beautiful Design Project:

We are a global community of Beautiful Business™ designers, leaders, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, organizers, artists and activists on an urgent mission to help design, create, and bring more beautiful businesses into our world by designing the designers of a more beautiful and regenerative future. 

It’s the biggest design brief ever. 

If you would like to become a Beautiful Designer, a Beautiful Business™, a Beautiful Business leader, a designer of legacy products, services and business, mentor a future Beautiful Designer and leave a beautiful dent on this world, this is our invitation to join us.

Please contact us here to be included in our first projects, experiences and gatherings and to sign up for our newsletter.

To Beauty,

Alan Moore & Tim Galles